Friday, February 02, 2007

So, how's it going?

Okay, I'm getting my thinking together about what works and what doesn't.

1. Reading: We love the picture books. I love snuggling and reading to the kids. It's not easy with Annika , but it's fun. The Charlotte Mason idea of Narration is great, it really does work. The only issue I have is what should Harry be reading on his own? He's past the easy readers except for content. He read the Henry and Mudge book in 30 minutes and understood it well (see below). Maybe he should be reading Stuart Little to me...I need to think (even more) on that.

2. Math: Math U See is great. Harry loves it. He can finish a lesson in only 15 minutes. I'm becoming a big believer in the 15-minute lessons Charlotte Mason advocated. It's enough time for him to do what he needs to do without getting bored or antsy. The plan is for him to work steadily for that 15 minutes and not dawdle so we can move on.

3. History: Love it. We are having fun. We did the cave paintings the other day which was a big hit. I also checked out the gross food book called: It was Gross and We Ate It. We have several big fans here.

4. Science/Nature Studies: mmmm...This one seems to be the hardest to do consistently. It's been raining and coldish here this week, so no one has wanted to go out and do anything. Including me. Next week, back on track. I have some ideas, I just need to implement them. (Ai, there's the rub.) (I promise to never do that again.)

5. Music/Art: I got a new book for art the other day and we looked through it yesterday. Harry really liked it, so I think we'll kind of go through the artists in there and supplement a little. I don't really know. Music--I've been turning classical on in the morning, but I tend to get a bit tired of it on all day, so we're working on that too.

Overall we're getting into a rhythm I think. Although it's so tenuous almost anything messes with it. It's a process...yeah that's the ticket.

More tomorrow. I'll also try to add some pictures of our cave paintings so it's not all just text.

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