Friday, March 25, 2011

Week Number: I have no idea, but we're not finished yet

So I'm never quite sure how to format these reports. Do I do it by child or by subject? Should I just post quick bullet points or talk about what we did? Pictures or no? much stress. It's amazing I ever post at all.

The kids found the Lite Brite set this week. I thought this one is funny, it's Peppermint Patty Taking a Test.

There are tadpoles in there. The kids found them in the vacant lot below our house.
Last week I started with Emma and she's only 3 and not a "student" of our school yet, so this week I'll begin with Harry. He's 10 and is most definitely a student.

Annika is READING to Emma!
 Harry this week:

Language Arts: He wrote a poem about Stalin, finished The Impossible Journey, narrated it, did some spelling, a Sentence Island assignment where he wrote sentences with subject/verb disagreement and then fixed them, read about the prefix "super" and wrote a "super" poem.
Math: You know how people ask you how you are going to possibly teach math to your first grader and you laugh because you are pretty sure you can handle first grade math? Well, I can no longer laugh. Thank goodness it's fourth grade, not first grade, but it came a lot earlier than I thought it would. Harry's working on pounds and ounces right now and figuring out how to subtract them was trickier than I thought. I did get it and taught Harry, but it was a little touch and go for a while there. That's kind of embarrassing to admit, but I don't usually subtract pounds and ounces; if I'm using them I'm cooking and adding more to it (ie: butter for cookies).
Moving on...
History: The Russian Revolution still (see above Stalin poem) and the Communist Revolution in China. Harry read a book on the Long March and today we'll be using paperclips to show it visually, ala SOTW Activity Book.
Science: Electricity still. He read the next chapter in Singapore Science, and spent time playing with Snap Circuits--one of the best kits ever invented. I also really love the chapters on electricity more than some of the others. But I'm not sure why.

Other Stuff: Harry had Improv, Art and Music (they are practicing to put on an opera), and Greek and Latin Roots. We had to cancel Chess Club because Emma was sick. He made it to Webelos but Volleyball is canceled today for rain. Oh, and he's frantically working on his piano theory because his lesson is in about three minutes.


Language Arts: Let's see, he's reading and narrating Little House on the Highlands still, he read The Mysterious Howling after I refused to finish reading it to them (I really didn't like it), he's working on his chapter in Writing With Ease 2 and his lessons in First Language Lessons 2. I know he also read a bunch of books on the Medieval period, which I am too lazy to go find. He did some spelling, I think two lessons this week.
Math: Subtraction with Regrouping three numbers. Can you hear the Jaws theme? That proved fairly tricky, but we printed out a couple of worksheets from the MUS site for more practice and I think he's okay. It's just another reminder to stay on top of what he's doing.
History: The Jewish Diaspora. He did the mapwork and coloring page from the SOTW 2 Activity Guide.
Science: The Singapore Science chapter on materials. He's been wandering around the house telling me what everything is made of. It's kind of funny.
Other Stuff: Cooking class, Arts and Crafts and Word Factory. We had to cancel his Wolf Scouts because it's at our house and Emma was sick. Sports is canceled and he's doing piano right now.

She's fine, just enjoying the warmth after a week of rain and cold.
Exciting Thing for the Week: We did art! Both boys take an art class, at least for another week, but I'm not at all happy with the instruction. This week I decided to pull out our art stuff and see what we can do. It turned out pretty well, I think: Van Gogh Afternoon.

We were invaded by armies of small ABAB patterned bears thanks to Emma.

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