Friday, April 08, 2011

Weekly Report, The Gallstones Edition

My gall bladder went bad this week. Apparently I have gallstones (I won't know officially until this afternoon, but it looks pretty sure from my symptoms.). Gallstones are really, really painful. So this week we've had to homeschool around doctor's appointments and my pain. But we're descendents of pioneers, so we pressed on:

  • continued with Singapore 4A; capacity and money. I know he knows money, so I'm trying to get him to finish the chapter today.
  • learned about World War II and the Holocaust. I can't tell you how grateful I am to be the one introducing that topic with him.
  • read many (sounds better than a bunch) of books about World War II. This includes a couple that I checked out of the library to preview, decided I didn't want him to read and hid. Apparently not very well as he found them and read them. They were books with pictures of children and bodies. I'm more than willing to teach the hard things, but I didn't want him to have those images in his mind yet.
  • learned more about the workings of the body than he planned to. He now knows where the gall bladder is, what gallstones are and the risk factors for them. (Basically, very little pigment. If you know me, you'll know it was just a matter of time.)
  • went to the aquarium with his Webelos troop. I am so grateful for a troop leader that is interested in the kids and is willing to go out of his way for them. 
  • finished chapter 16 in Latin for Children A. I bought him the LfC Reader, but we aren't sure what to do with it. If you know, please help me.
  • decided he wants to learn Greek too. Yet another language I can't help him with. What is wrong with these kids? If they wanted to learn an obscure language, what's wrong with Swedish? I can teach them that one easily. But nooo, they want to be all classical scholarly and stuff. 
  • is really, really excited to start MUS Gamma. He still  has a few more lessons of Beta to go, but his heart isn't into it really. He just wants to start something new already!
  • read about Ghengis Khan and the Mongols in Mongolia. We had big plans to make the ger from the Activity Book, but haven't yet. Blame the stupid gall bladder.
  • did the same science as Harry. He's lucky, he has Jason's skin tone. But I wonder if that means his appendix will attack him rather than his gall bladder? Hmmm. I'll have to worry about that more later.
  • created a sculpture in the same style of Alberto Giacometti. The project again was from The Usborne Art Treasury.
  • read a couple of other books that I can't think of and can't go get right now.
Overall, it was a goodish week. I had more plans to hang out at the park and do more schooly stuff. But considering that I spent half the week wondering why my body hurt so much and the other half just wishing my gall bladder gone, we did pretty well. Next week I'll have pictures. Of the kids, I promise, not my gall bladder. 

Also, a quick ps. I am so, so grateful for my usual good health. I've never had pain like this before and I can't imagine how it is to have it always. Those of you who do have my thoughts and prayers. And admiration. You are amazing. Hats off to you.


Karen said...

Ouch. Sorry. You did a lot despite the pain. Hope next week is better.

Laurie said...

You got a lot done, despite the health issues! Loved this: "But we're descendents of pioneers, so we pressed on"! Hope you feel better soon!

MissMOE said...

Sounds like a great week considering Mama wasn't feeling well. Hope your gallstones get taken care of.

Felicity said...

Thanks everyone! I appreciate the good will--hopefully things will be back to normal next week.

But really, what is normal anyway?