Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Eek, a Fraction!

Many, many moons ago I studied fractions in high school. My teacher was very nice, but somehow I got the whens, wheres, hows, and whys of fractions so mixed up in my mind that I just gave up. That started me thinking I was no good at math, which continues to today. Once I realized that math was hard I just gave up and decided that I'd have to be good at something else. It's not an uncommon thought and I know it plagues more people than just me.

Today I started looking at fractions with Harry. I decided long ago to make math neutral, to just work on it with each of my kids and not get concerned or panicky if it looked like they weren't getting it. That decision holds better some days than other.

The math book said to get something to show fractions with, so I looked around and quickly spied our tower of lego heads. Perfect! Hopefully even if I can't make math neutral, I can make it fun. At least 2/3 of the time.

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