Monday, November 02, 2009

Mini Yarn Apples and Pumpkins

This is a craft that I saw here:

I don't want to repost the craft, so just click on over and check it out. It looks adorable and fairly easy. We're planning to do this tomorrow.

Somewhere else I found that another person had made pumpkins using the same method, just orange yarn instead of red. They looked cute too and I kicked myself for not thinking of that and buying orange yarn when I got the red.

Of course, there is so much you could do with the apple theme. Go pick some, make a pie or some applesauce, or a pie (that has Jason's vote).

Here are some apple-themed books.

How to Make an Apple Pie and See the World
Apple Farmer Annie
Up, Up, Up, It's Apple-Picking Time

That's just a few of the ones out there. I know you probably already have your favorites.

I hope that helps make your fall a little more creative and fun. Enjoy!

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