Monday, November 02, 2009

I love magazines

Which is probably not a shock if you know me at all. It's a genetic affliction (thanks, Mom). But I try really hard not to buy every magazine I see. This is not easy, because I really do love magazines. Fortunately for me, the libraries around here sell donated magazines for either 10 or 25 cents. So occasionally I'll go a little crazy and bring home every magazine ever written. Except the ones with cars on the front. Those I skip. But every other magazine. And sometimes I even get lucky and someone has donated the most recent issue of one that I like.

Take, for instance, Family Fun. I like Family Fun--it does help my family have fun with the party, craft, and food ideas. But most of the time I don't feel like buying it retail because most of the craft, party, and food ideas are also found on their website, appropriately named I saw the November issue at the library a few days ago and it looked great, in fact there were a couple of craft ideas I definitely wanted to use. But I didn't buy it. Mostly because I decided that I wasn't going to buy more magazines but also, at least a little bit, because I couldn't find it.

Today I found it--at the library! Yay. And I excitedly opened it up and found the craft I was dreaming about--Turkey Luminarias. They are prettier than they sound, honest.) Oh, it was exciting! Until I found this:

Turkey Luminarias

Fine, lesson learned.

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