I love easy crafts and this one just works. I'm pretty sure that even my littlest could do it pretty easily and she's 22 months right now:
Tissue Paper Apple TreeWhat you need:a piece of brown construction paper cut in the general shape of a tree trunk
a piece of green paper, in the general shape of the top of a tree
lots of small pieces of red tissue paper to be the apples
Okay, follow along, this is going to be tricky:1. Glue the trunk shape to the treetop shape in the basic apple tree shape.
2. Give your child the small pieces of red tissue paper and let him or her crumple them into small pieces. Call those the apples, but don't let your child eat them. (They aren't really apples, we're just pretending.)
3. While she's crumpling the tissue paper, either dot the glue onto the tree where you would like the apples to be or cover the entire tree with glue, allowing your child to decide where the apples go.
4. Drink some apple juice or eat an apple while it dries.
5. Exclaim over and over again in a really excited voice how cute your child's apple tree is.
6. Watch your child smile.
7. Give your child a kiss and hang the apple tree on the fridge. If you don't have a magnetic fridge, hang it somewhere else. Maybe in a museum somewhere.
That's it. If you wanted, you could probably glue the tree to another piece of paper as a background, but you don't have to. I mean really, it's already adorable as it is.