Monday, January 15, 2007

major doubts

This is strange. Last week I was all fired up and ready to go! We were off on an adventure and nothing could stop us.

Right now, though, I'm at a standstill. I'm, to put it bluntly, freaking out. There are so many good things and important things to do, how do I do them? How do I fit them into my day while taking care of my home, my other two children, everything? How in the world can I "get outside as much as humanly possible" and still teach Harry what he needs and we want him to know? How do I get past this paralyzing fear I'm feeling?

I read blogs from these Amazing Homeschooling Moms and I want to move in with them! It's exactly the family life I want for my kids, just apparently impossible for me to duplicate in my own home. Maybe blogs from Amazing Homeschool Moms should have warning labels--"Professional Mom, Do Not Try at Home"?

I highly doubt anyone is reading this, and considering that I know all seven of you who know this site, I know none of you are homeschooling, but if you know anyone who does, or have any advice for me at all, let me know? Please. I need to get past this--for Harry's sake as well as my own.

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