Well, after the excitement of Pie Day everything is all downhill.
We've had a busy couple of days. Sam's follow-up IEP meeting for speech therapy was yesterday, along with the migraine from hell. So I don't remember much about what we did, but I know we did something.
Today though, we've been busy working. Although it hasn't felt like that too much. So far I've read to all of the kids. We read another chapter of Story of the World, talked about and looked up pictures of cave paintings, painted our very own cave paintings. We've discussed why people would live in villages instead of always been nomads. HArry and I tried to answer the question, "what if we were the ones making the cave paintings in the books?" That would have been easier if I believed in reincarnation.
Harry did some math, but it took a long time since it required him to write the numbers 1-100. No small feat when you are six.
We did a lesson on aunts and uncles from First Language Lessons.
We took an Annika Walk. I really think we need to do that every day. Today we brought a little box with us too collect things that we saw. We ended up with a bunch of leaves and sticks. When we got home, we got out our nature notebooks and pasted the leaves into it. Then we made lines to the different parts of the leaves. For instance, the big line up the middle is called the "midrib." Who knew?
And that was before lunch. While we were doing something earlier, Annika grabbed the bag of beans for 15 bean soup and put some into a cup with water. We decided that we would see which one opened up first, so we got our notebooks out and glued dry beans into it. Then we predicted which we thought would open first and last. We'll keep checking on them and put the results in our chart.
This afternoon we'll talk some more about shearing sheep and A New Coat for Anna and be done with the schooling portion of the day! I love this.
Thursday, January 25, 2007
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
Happy Pie Day
We did things other than make and think about pie. Really. I swear.
For instance, Harry amazed everyone (especially himself) with his stunning intelligence. He did four math lessons in one day. At this point it's all review, but the faster he can get through some of this, the faster we can move on to the hardest of all hard math concepts when you are six--Subtraction. (I think he just shuttered in his sleep.)
Anyway, today was his first day of co-op classes. He was signed up for an art class and something called "Kid's Club." He also had the option of staying for lunch. Once we got there he decided that there was no way in the world he was staying. It took a lot of doing, but he stayed for art and once he got halfway through that he thought maybe Kid's Club might be okay. So he stayed for both of those, but that was enough for one day and he came home for lunch.
He did great and really enjoyed himself. I liked going to the store with only two kids and actually getting complimented on how well-behaved they are/were, whatever. Anyway, at the time, they were very well behaved and it was quite nice. I think I bought more than I meant to since I was totally enjoying the quiet.
We picked Harry up, had lunch and the Pie Day Festivities began!
Now they are over and I'm tired, so good night.
For instance, Harry amazed everyone (especially himself) with his stunning intelligence. He did four math lessons in one day. At this point it's all review, but the faster he can get through some of this, the faster we can move on to the hardest of all hard math concepts when you are six--Subtraction. (I think he just shuttered in his sleep.)
Anyway, today was his first day of co-op classes. He was signed up for an art class and something called "Kid's Club." He also had the option of staying for lunch. Once we got there he decided that there was no way in the world he was staying. It took a lot of doing, but he stayed for art and once he got halfway through that he thought maybe Kid's Club might be okay. So he stayed for both of those, but that was enough for one day and he came home for lunch.
He did great and really enjoyed himself. I liked going to the store with only two kids and actually getting complimented on how well-behaved they are/were, whatever. Anyway, at the time, they were very well behaved and it was quite nice. I think I bought more than I meant to since I was totally enjoying the quiet.
We picked Harry up, had lunch and the Pie Day Festivities began!
Now they are over and I'm tired, so good night.
Monday, January 22, 2007
monday, so far
Okay, I'm feeling pretty good today. So far we've...
Read A New Coat for Anna. Harry narrated it with amazing detail. I loved listening to him tell me of the "delicious" cake or the "beautiful" yarn. He then drew a picture of Anna wearing her new coat. Right now he is really into drawing the sky and clouds, so he spent about 20 minutes on that. Of course it's sea green. As apparently everything in the world should be!
He played with Sam after that for a while and I introduced some Story of the World. I read about archaeology while he played and then I asked him some questions. He got every single one. I also left a book on the table called Early Humans for him to find. He did and was completely amazed that it was "exactly what we've been talking about!" We looked through the book for a while and found a page on food, so I got some of the spices out that were in the book and we smelled them and wondered what the Stone Age people would use them for. We also spent a good amount of time looking a the weaponry. It's hard for him to grasp that the weapons weren't for fun or just interesting, but a part of a very dangerous life. He also wants to know why the people are all hairy.
We then went for an "Annika Walk." We go at her pace and all try to find things to show her that she would like. We found leaves and different types of grass and sticks and flowers. We tried to teach her to pat the flowers and not pick them, we'll see if the lesson sticks.
On the way home we picked a couple of leaves from our kumquat and tangerine plants to compare and contrast. This was actually the trickiest part of the day. Harry wants everything to look exactly right, so he has little confidence in his drawing. So we broke it up into very small pieces and got him to draw the tangerine leaf. He'll work on the kumquat later. He also wrote 3 things that were the same and one that was different.
Then lunch. Oh yeah, we had put some brownies in the oven before our walk, so we each had small pieces when we got back.
Now I have to do a little math with him and maybe First Language Lessons. But I'm not holding my breath. We did a lot this morning already.
Read A New Coat for Anna. Harry narrated it with amazing detail. I loved listening to him tell me of the "delicious" cake or the "beautiful" yarn. He then drew a picture of Anna wearing her new coat. Right now he is really into drawing the sky and clouds, so he spent about 20 minutes on that. Of course it's sea green. As apparently everything in the world should be!
He played with Sam after that for a while and I introduced some Story of the World. I read about archaeology while he played and then I asked him some questions. He got every single one. I also left a book on the table called Early Humans for him to find. He did and was completely amazed that it was "exactly what we've been talking about!" We looked through the book for a while and found a page on food, so I got some of the spices out that were in the book and we smelled them and wondered what the Stone Age people would use them for. We also spent a good amount of time looking a the weaponry. It's hard for him to grasp that the weapons weren't for fun or just interesting, but a part of a very dangerous life. He also wants to know why the people are all hairy.
We then went for an "Annika Walk." We go at her pace and all try to find things to show her that she would like. We found leaves and different types of grass and sticks and flowers. We tried to teach her to pat the flowers and not pick them, we'll see if the lesson sticks.
On the way home we picked a couple of leaves from our kumquat and tangerine plants to compare and contrast. This was actually the trickiest part of the day. Harry wants everything to look exactly right, so he has little confidence in his drawing. So we broke it up into very small pieces and got him to draw the tangerine leaf. He'll work on the kumquat later. He also wrote 3 things that were the same and one that was different.
Then lunch. Oh yeah, we had put some brownies in the oven before our walk, so we each had small pieces when we got back.
Now I have to do a little math with him and maybe First Language Lessons. But I'm not holding my breath. We did a lot this morning already.
Thursday, January 18, 2007
Jason is going under the laser today, so I have a couple of minutes before we leave to say I'm okay. We have the rest of the curriculum and I have to say that I think I was right about spelling and handwriting. Adding another workbook/curriculum to what we are already doing would be too much. I don't want to have workbooks all over the house for every subject.
So, things are back on track. I will never be one of the Amazing Homeschool Moms. Right now I'm shooting for Pretty to Very Good.
So, things are back on track. I will never be one of the Amazing Homeschool Moms. Right now I'm shooting for Pretty to Very Good.
Monday, January 15, 2007
major doubts
This is strange. Last week I was all fired up and ready to go! We were off on an adventure and nothing could stop us.
Right now, though, I'm at a standstill. I'm, to put it bluntly, freaking out. There are so many good things and important things to do, how do I do them? How do I fit them into my day while taking care of my home, my other two children, everything? How in the world can I "get outside as much as humanly possible" and still teach Harry what he needs and we want him to know? How do I get past this paralyzing fear I'm feeling?
I read blogs from these Amazing Homeschooling Moms and I want to move in with them! It's exactly the family life I want for my kids, just apparently impossible for me to duplicate in my own home. Maybe blogs from Amazing Homeschool Moms should have warning labels--"Professional Mom, Do Not Try at Home"?
I highly doubt anyone is reading this, and considering that I know all seven of you who know this site, I know none of you are homeschooling, but if you know anyone who does, or have any advice for me at all, let me know? Please. I need to get past this--for Harry's sake as well as my own.
Right now, though, I'm at a standstill. I'm, to put it bluntly, freaking out. There are so many good things and important things to do, how do I do them? How do I fit them into my day while taking care of my home, my other two children, everything? How in the world can I "get outside as much as humanly possible" and still teach Harry what he needs and we want him to know? How do I get past this paralyzing fear I'm feeling?
I read blogs from these Amazing Homeschooling Moms and I want to move in with them! It's exactly the family life I want for my kids, just apparently impossible for me to duplicate in my own home. Maybe blogs from Amazing Homeschool Moms should have warning labels--"Professional Mom, Do Not Try at Home"?
I highly doubt anyone is reading this, and considering that I know all seven of you who know this site, I know none of you are homeschooling, but if you know anyone who does, or have any advice for me at all, let me know? Please. I need to get past this--for Harry's sake as well as my own.
Sunday, January 14, 2007
Whooo Whooo

One if the questions I asked him was, "are there lots of people in the story or just a few?" I expected him to say a few--a dad and daughter. But he told me there were lots. I wasn't real sure we had read the same book, so I had him tell me more. He told me that there were two in the woods--a grandpa and his granddaughter and the rest of the family was in the house.
We also talked about similies and metaphors. In the book Jane Yolen uses several similies, including one that says something like "the snow was as white as milk in a cereal bowl." We tried to come up with how we would tell someone about the ocean if they had never seen it. It didn't go perfectly, but it did plant a seed.
(This is getting long, I know, but bear with me, please.)
Finally I brought home a couple of owl books from the library and we figured out that the owl in the book is a Great Horned Owl. So we looked up where they live and what they eat and all of that stuff. We ended this by being Great Horned Owls hopping from branch to branch and eating mice off of the ground.
We got a lot in, but didn't beat the story into the ground.
Looking ahead
This week Jason is having the surgeries, so we'll be spending hours with him at the eye doctors. However, they've seen the one kids movie playing there, so we'll be using the time to do work. (I can already hear the "aww, Moms.")
Anyway, we'll be starting our composer and artist study this week. I'm going with Monet for art and Mozart for music. Somewhat trite choices I realize, but I already have what I need for those. I've realized that I tend to overthink things and have too much to actually do, so I'm trying to work on that. Also the Getty Museum is only a couple of hours away and we can go see some of the artwork we'll be studying. I'm not sure there is a great Mozart concert happening anytime soon, but oh well.
I should be getting the rest of the curriculum I want (keep your fingers crossed) and I'll start on those as soon as I can.
The rest is going okay. We do need to get out more. But honestly, it's been cold here the last couple of days and no one likes to go out. Before you start laughing, it's been in the 30's and 40's. So there. I can't take a baby out in that for any length of time.
I'm pretty pleased at how things are going so far. The libraries might ban me from checking anymore books out for a while, but that's okay. I have a stack to return so I'll do some trading. Other than that, I must go...
Anyway, we'll be starting our composer and artist study this week. I'm going with Monet for art and Mozart for music. Somewhat trite choices I realize, but I already have what I need for those. I've realized that I tend to overthink things and have too much to actually do, so I'm trying to work on that. Also the Getty Museum is only a couple of hours away and we can go see some of the artwork we'll be studying. I'm not sure there is a great Mozart concert happening anytime soon, but oh well.
I should be getting the rest of the curriculum I want (keep your fingers crossed) and I'll start on those as soon as I can.
The rest is going okay. We do need to get out more. But honestly, it's been cold here the last couple of days and no one likes to go out. Before you start laughing, it's been in the 30's and 40's. So there. I can't take a baby out in that for any length of time.
I'm pretty pleased at how things are going so far. The libraries might ban me from checking anymore books out for a while, but that's okay. I have a stack to return so I'll do some trading. Other than that, I must go...
Friday, January 12, 2007
The First Week...
We were going to Start Homeschooling this week--get out all of the books, have amazing lessons and really get into all of it...then life happened. The kitchen and fireplace tile work that was supposed to be last week was this week. Add that to my eye surgeries and the week took on a decidedly "unschooly" flavor. I am also still waiting on the MathUSee curriculum, so our math has been with books I already had. I'm also waiting for Story of the World, so history is what we've always done--read books about history (novel idea, eh?). But I'm tired of waiting and want to get on with life.
So, in our abbreviated, crazy week, what did we do?
Wild Animal Park. Harry wrote the names of the animals we saw and was supposed to draw one, but it became a power struggle and he won. I didn't want the whole process to start with a grumpy "me against Harry" attitude. We've done a couple of lessons in First Language Lessons, read Owl Moon (a really great book), done a couple of pages of a math workbook, listened to Little House in the Big Woods, started a nature journal, cooked some stuff (pancakes), and played a lot.
With Owl Moon, we talked about the illustrations--how the illustrator used blue to make it look cold and still. Harry narrated the story for me. We talked about metaphors and repeating text and how the story is really a poem. We also talked about how the author used things that we are familiar with to help us see what she was talking about.
It's amazing what you can get from one picture book.
So that's the official stuff from the week. It's been good, but next week will be better. I'll keep adding to our learning until I feel we are where we need to be as far as information and rhythm. Also I'll post a picture of a painting Harry did showing his interpretation of Owl Moon.
So, in our abbreviated, crazy week, what did we do?
Wild Animal Park. Harry wrote the names of the animals we saw and was supposed to draw one, but it became a power struggle and he won. I didn't want the whole process to start with a grumpy "me against Harry" attitude. We've done a couple of lessons in First Language Lessons, read Owl Moon (a really great book), done a couple of pages of a math workbook, listened to Little House in the Big Woods, started a nature journal, cooked some stuff (pancakes), and played a lot.
With Owl Moon, we talked about the illustrations--how the illustrator used blue to make it look cold and still. Harry narrated the story for me. We talked about metaphors and repeating text and how the story is really a poem. We also talked about how the author used things that we are familiar with to help us see what she was talking about.
It's amazing what you can get from one picture book.
So that's the official stuff from the week. It's been good, but next week will be better. I'll keep adding to our learning until I feel we are where we need to be as far as information and rhythm. Also I'll post a picture of a painting Harry did showing his interpretation of Owl Moon.
Monday, January 08, 2007
Well, I did it!
I called the school and told them that Harry isn't coming back. It was surprisingly anti-climatic. I guess since I haven't told them my reasons yet.
So we went to the Wild Animal Park for a while this afternoon. That was "Animal School." :)
We'll see what happens tomorrow...
So we went to the Wild Animal Park for a while this afternoon. That was "Animal School." :)
We'll see what happens tomorrow...
Sunday, January 07, 2007
spelling and reading thoughts
I'm thinking about ditching the spelling text for now and just working on spelling actual words. I'm not sure, but looking at what I want to do and the way I want to structure our day, that just might work better. Plus Harry spends most of his day spelling words, so I'm not too worried that he'll fall behind.
Also, he reads on a second to third grade level now, but his comprehension isn't that high. I know we need to read more books and talk about what the words mean, but I don't know what books to read with him or that he should be reading.
Also, he reads on a second to third grade level now, but his comprehension isn't that high. I know we need to read more books and talk about what the words mean, but I don't know what books to read with him or that he should be reading.
Wednesday, January 03, 2007
basic schedule version 1
This is primarily me thinking about things, but here goes:
Sam speech 8:15-8:45
home/lessons (Annika nap?)
picnic lunch & outing
Sam speech 8:15-8:45
Harry classes 10-1:30 (?)
Outing AM
Back for lunch/naps
Lessons in PM
Sam speech 8:15-8:45
Harry class 9:30-10:30 (?)
Fun & play
To add in somewhere:
Lesson order and days
Still so much to think about...
Sam speech 8:15-8:45
home/lessons (Annika nap?)
picnic lunch & outing
Sam speech 8:15-8:45
Harry classes 10-1:30 (?)
Outing AM
Back for lunch/naps
Lessons in PM
Sam speech 8:15-8:45
Harry class 9:30-10:30 (?)
Fun & play
To add in somewhere:
Lesson order and days
Still so much to think about...
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