we started school today. Fifth, third, and first grades, plus preschool.
It went fine. We all survived and did everything on my list. Emma was very excited to be called a preschooler and I absolutely used that to my advantage all day long. (Preschoolers are good listeners, preschoolers eat all of their dinner, that kind of thing. It worked pretty well.)
Annika was beside herself to start first grade. I planned for her to do just a little bit today--some math, OPGTR, read alouds and a craft. Everything she does is pretty teacher intensive so I knew I couldn't really leave her alone, so I thought I'd let her play if she needed to wait for me to finish with the boys. She would have none of that. If she finished something she immediately wanted something else to do. It didn't matter if it was a worksheet or a read aloud, but it had to be some kind of work. Reading to her didn't count as school, which I think it a lingering effect of kindergarten. In kindergarten they were busy all of the time...if she finished gluing at one station she immediately went to the next where she would write her name five or six times. Their teacher read one or two stories throughout the day, but it was just for fun, not learning. Anyway...she'll get used to being home pretty soon.
Sam and Harry weren't quite so excited to start. They have been through my lessons and are pretty used to how things work around here. They grabbed their notebooks and just started working. It was pretty light for them too. We're taking about two weeks to do one week's worth of work. (Alliteration, cool.) I did find out that I don't have the correct edition of Grammar Town and I didn't get Sam's copy of Writing with Ease 3 because the charter we use can't get it together. (Yes, we use one of those evil public charters. No, I don't feel bad.)
Anyway, as far as first days go, it was pretty good. We're taking tomorrow off (I know, it's weird) because the kids are hanging out with their Uncle before he moves to Stanford on Friday. It also gives me time to go over some things that I want to tweak for Thursday.
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