Thursday, January 31, 2008


I know, catchy title, ehh?

Today was broken up because one of the builders' people had to come in and fix some things. It's kind of nice to point and say, "fix this" and they do. Anyway, it was kind of a bland day today, just us hanging out and skipping speech. (We slept in.)

We started off with math. Two digit addition is really proving hard for Harry. Usually he can finish a lesson in a week and move on, but we are going to spend at least another week on it. He's having a hard time putting numbers into the right places and going from right to left in his adding. I don't know how to help him really except have him work on it a bunch. He needs to get this cemented in his mind so that when we get to carrying, he isn't even more confused.

Harry and Sam then played Romans for a while so I could talk to the builder. Annika followed me around watching to make sure he didn't touch her stuff! Emma slept. W read something after that, but I have no idea what.

Spelling came next. It's interesting that in both spelling and math we are hitting things that challenge Harry. We are, in all honesty, not used to that. Reading came easily to him as have most of the concepts that we've covered so far. We worked through his spelling issues today, but I'll have to review them tomorrow. I might give him a real-life, actual spelling test. He'll love it. He loves anything that we can put a grade on!

I think we took a break for lunch and quiet time after that. It's amazing how few things can really take up a morning. But that's okay. While everyone but Harry, and including me, took a nap this afternoon, Harry read all of the books I checked out of the library. Really. They were mostly short books about Greece and Rome (I know, big surprise) and he was bored. There was history for the day!

Mom and Dad sent the boys a train and a car to make out of plaster of Paris, so we did that after a snack. Then we read more from Story of the World. I love SOTW. Really, really love it. Sometime, when there isn't a baby lying on my chest, I'll tell you why. This is on the Persian Empire, so Harry did the map work from the Activity Guide. Finally, I capped off our learning day by reading The Trojan Horse to Sam. He sat on my lap and everything for it.

Oh, yeah, I know what I read earlier, a story about the tasks of Heracles.

I've know got to go tuck little people in, see you tomorrow.

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