We took a break from all of that fun to have a snack. During snacktime I read the kids all three books about winter. We are doing a unit on winter to add to our seasons notebooks. We read The Mitten by Jan Brett and two others that I can't think of right now. After that I printed out an activity to go with the book for Sam and Annika while I did Grammar with Harry. Not quite as much fun as Math, but close. We did decide that the Pronouns would have beaten the Patriots yesterday though. There are no end to pronoun jokes around here.
After another short break for something else, oh yeah, feeding Emma, we headed back to work on Spelling. Spelling is probably the most truly boring subject we do so far. He did the review and we moved on with our lives.
I'm still trying to convince Harry that the Greeks were important to the Romans, so we shouldn't skip them. To that end, I read our passages from Story of the World as if they are the most exciting things ever! It's hilarious to hear me, but it works. The other thing that works is to point out the things that the Greeks did before the Romans. Today we read an entire chapter on Greece and looked it up in our history encyclopedia.
I need to go help the kids, so I'll have to finish later.
Later never came. But I wanted to talk about snow. We read a bunch of books about winter and spent a good two hours cutting out snowflakes. It was really fun. Harry went from not being sure what to do, to being able to make beautiful snowflakes. Sam decided that making snowflakes wasn't for him, so he just folded and cut paper into interesting shapes. Our day culminated in a snowstorm!

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