Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Fire, what fire?

We don't need no stinkin' fire!

(A tribute to Sam--he memorized that and will spontaneously come out with it using whatever is nearby!)

Anyway, Jason is still home. There are still fires, but in my efforts to keep things normal, we did our normal stuff today. Of course between fielding phone calls from concerned family (thanks everyone, we're fine).

Harry managed to do his timed math drill without too much trouble. He also did some writing practice and cooler than all of this, we did an easy little experiment about water condensation. We just got a glass, filled it with ice and water and watched what happened. He also filled in his little experiment record about it.

During quiet time we read some more Benjamin Franklin and talked about some of his sayings. Then Harry had to write one of them for copywork.

That's it--it never looks like as much as it is.

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