Sunday, December 31, 2006

The Specifics

In an attempt to organize my own thinking, this is what I plan to use in my home school for the remainder of the year:

Math: Math U See Alpha
Grammar/Copywork/Dictation: First Language Lessons for the Well-Trained Mind
Reading: "real" books; some he picks, some I pick. I plan to have a book list drawn up by Wednesday.
History: Story of the World Vol. 1
Geography: Harry's cool new globe and driven mostly by his interests
Art: Pick an artist per month and study one work per week
Music: Similar to art, just with composers
Science: I'm not real sure. I plan to have him start a nature notebook and go outside as much as possible. But as far as actual curriculum choice, I don't know.

So, that's it in a nutshell. It's not real specific for a couple of reasons, one being that I'm just not ready yet. I have most of my ideas floating around and this will be where I organize everything.

Edited to Add: Spelling: Spelling Workout A
Writing: Handwriting Without Tears Level? (I can't figure out if he should be in Kindergarten or First Grade)

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