Thursday, August 08, 2013


I'm working on our schedule for this coming school year and it's kind of frightening. I am homeschooling my older two boys in 7th and 5th grades and my little girls will be in school, 3rd grade and kindergarten. The boys have a day of coop type classes and Sam takes pottery as his main outside activity.

I knew it would be crazy, but this is one of my days:

Annika starts school: 8:45
Harry & Sam to classes: 10:00
Emma school: 11:50
Pick up Sam for pottery: 12:30
Drop him off at potter: 1:00
Pick Sam back up: 2:30
Drop Sam off for another class: 3:15
Pick Annika and Emma up from school: 3:25
Pick up Harry & Sam: 4:00

The rest of the days aren't quite so bad, but I will be driving to and from the girls' school at least three times a day, every day.

Good thing I like my car a lot.

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