Monday, February 28, 2011

Harry's Third Poem

Originally posted January 24, 2011

This one was the trickiest by far. The assignment was way too open-ended for his liking. It basically said to use any poetic device you've learned and write a poem. But finally he came up with:

By Harry

I bring the tent to the car
We pack it in, it's going far.
Then we stuff the blankets in the back.
We're almost gone when we've started to pack.
Next comes the jackets, hats, shoes, and boots.
We put in the pancakes, stove and some fruit.
The Rocket Box goes way on top.
It holds sleeping bags and mattresses, we'd better stop.
So much stuff, we have no room to move.
Still, more comes.
Our games, nintendos and books.
We're finally done, we're leaving now.
On last question before we start.
Can we play our nintendos now, Dad?

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