Overall Sam is following in Harry's footsteps, or at least he would be if Harry had stayed home for Second Grade. I pulled out the plans I had in place and changed the name. Actually, that's not entirely true. I changed a few things because even though people have a tendency to treat them as interchangeable, the really aren't. This is a brief overview of Sam's first week of Second Grade:
Math: Math-U-See Beta. I'm letting Sam zip through the first few chapters as a review. He did the first two pages of lessons one through three and took the tests in order to prove to me that he knew what he was talking about. He did and we're moving on to lesson four. I have no idea right now what it's about, but it's safe to say it'll have something to do with multiple digit addition or subtraction, just like the rest of the 30 lessons in the book.
Here's some proof that Sam knows his math:
History: I'm separating the boys for history this year. They've always done the same time period, but I want Sam to have the joy of discovering the Middle Ages when he's actually interested in them. This time period was just made for a seven-year-old to discover. This week he read about the fall of the Roman Empire. I'm definitely going to have to get our Romans out of the attic. It'll be hilarious to listen to the stories Sam comes up with.
Science: I chose to buy an actual science curriculum this year. After trying and absolutely hating NOEO Science last year, it seemed like a good idea. Sam is working on Singapore Science 3/4. The first book in the series is called Diversity. The actual textbook and activity books are pretty basic. The homework and test books require more thought and will be challenging.
This is a page from the activity book:
Reading and Language Arts:
Sam didn't start spelling this week, he will next week. He read Grandfather's Journey by Allen Say for his literature book. It's one of my favorite picture books ever and I was excited for him to read it. Unfortunately I don't think a 7yo can really get everything this book has to offer. There are themes of family, war, fitting in and others all in this little picture book. Allen Say has just done such a good job with it. Anyway. I talked to him about these themes and he grasped that the grandfather moved and missed things from both places and that's what I was going for. Here's his response page:
He's also reading Children of Noisy Village which makes him laugh hysterically. It's so fun. Like I said, I love introducing the kids to books I love and this is no exception. Sam just sits there giggling and then spends more words than Astrid Lindgren herself describing just what was so funny.
Sam started Writing with Ease, Level Two with a narration of an Aesop's Fable. I of course didn't take a picture of it (be glad). He does well checking off lists and having a predictable routine, so I think for this year WWE will work for him.
So, there we have the basics for Sam. There are a few things he hasn't started yet. I mentioned spelling, but we'll start grammar in the next few weeks too. Sam like stories, so I'd like to read him 50 Famous Stories and a few other collections I have. He's combining with Harry for art and the other "Specials." He'll start piano and sports again. I'd like to be able to keep as much time as I can free for him to play. I'm past making the early grades time-consuming. That doesn't mean that we skimp on his education at all, but I try to have him work "efficiently." Each year gets a little harder, just ask Harry. But second grade is still a lot of drawing, coloring, and playing. At least for Sam.
See you next week.
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