Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Annika today

We had a little "tea party." We had juice and little cookies while I read her a couple of books. We read Roxaboxen, A Visitor for Bear, and Piggies.

I love spending time just with Annika and she just eats it up. I really miss homeschooling, more than I can say, but the time I get to spend one-on-one with the kids helps to make up for it.

Neither of us said anything profound or memorable, but our little juice and cookies party is something I hope Annika will remember. Even if she doesn't remember this one specifically, I hope she remembers that we did it at all.

1 comment:

Bra-man said...

It's the little things like that that make life wonderful. I'm glad you gave me the link to your blog. This is great!! Please ignore the scary Walmart man. He is Ryan's creation. HEE HEE!!