Last year my school room was hyper-organized. I was adding Annika to the mix and new it would only work if everything was neat, labelled, and ready to go. It also had the alternate goal of helping Annika feel like she was in school.
This year we sent Annika to school. I liked having her home but she hated being home and didn't let us forget it, while things at school aren't perfect by a long shot, she's happier and everyone is calmer.
Since we didn't need the same kind of formal schoolroom we had last year, I was able to get rid of a bunch of stuff. The biggest thing we got rid of was my big desk. And the bigger bookshelf. I put everything I am not using right now in the linen closet.
So far I like it. The room is more open, which is nice and it looks more like a room than a collection of desks.