go from discussing William Penn to screaming in pretend agony?
Just a few swift steps:
1. Harry read his history assignment on the founding of Pennsylvania.
2. He discovered that for many years, no building in Philadelphia could be taller than the brim of WP's hat in a sculpture on the top of the City Capitol Building.
3. Googled the statue.
4. We found the statue, it's pretty tall. In one of the pictures it shows a sculpture of Benjamin Franklin.
5. We googled that sculpture.
6. In the background, there were some blue spots that Harry discovered might be giant Monopoly pieces.
7. We googled Your Turn and discovered that it is a huge sculpture of different games in Philadelphia. We decided we'd have to go there the next time we go to Maryland.
8. Harry glanced at the bottom of the page where it said "Medium: Metal."
9. After I explained what a medium in artwork is, he pretended to play chess with giant marble pawns.
10. Which he then dropped on his foot leading to the screaming in agony.
This home education stuff is pretty great, when it's not completely painful!